
Pregnancy outcomes among female dental personnel–a registry-based retrospective cohort study.


The aim of this study was to investigate whether women who have worked as dental personnel in Norway, a group with possible previous exposure to mercury vapor, have had an excess risk of having children with congenital malformations or other adverse pregnancy outcomes compared to the general population.


A cohort of female dental personnel was identified from the archives of the public dental healthcare and the national trade unions in Norway. Data on births and pregnancy outcomes during 1967-2006 were obtained from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway (MBRN). The final cohort of dental personnel consisted of 4482 dental assistants and 1011 dentists. All other women registered in the MBRN were assigned to the control group, in total 1,124,758. Excess risks of several adverse pregnancy outcomes for dental personnel compared to the general population were estimated. Analyses were conducted for the whole time period as well as stratified by 10-year periods.


Female dental personnel had no observed increased occurrence of congenital malformations (including malformations of the central nervous system, dysplasia of the hip, clubfoot, malformations of the heart and great vessels), low birth weight, preterm birth, small for gestational age, changed gender ratio, multiple birth, stillbirth, or prenatal death.


On a group level, we did not observe any excess risks of congenital malformations or other adverse pregnancy outcomes among female dental personnel in Norway during 1967-2006 compared to the general population.”

Blood mercury levels in autism spectrum disorder: Is there a threshold level?

“Mercury (Hg) may significantly impact the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Lab results generated by Vitamin Diagnostics (CLIA-approved) from 2003-2007, were examined among subjects diagnosed with an ASD (n=83) in comparison to neurotypical controls (n=89). Blood Hg levels were determined by analyzing Hg content in red blood cells (RBC) using cold vapor analysis, and consistent Hg measurements were observed between Vitamin Diagnostics and the University of Rochester. Adjusted (age, gender, and date of collection) mean Hg levels were 1.9-fold significantly (P<.0001) increased among subjects diagnosed with an ASD (21.4 microg/L) in comparison to controls (11.4 microg/L). Further, an adjusted significant (P<.0005) threshold effect >15 microg/L) was observed for Hg levels on the risk of a subject being diagnosed with an ASD in comparison to controls (odds ratio=6.4). The weight of scientific evidence supports Hg as a causal factor in subjects diagnosed with an ASD.”

By |2018-04-21T18:12:01+00:00January 1st, 2010|Mercury|

Scalp hair and saliva as biomarkers in determination of mercury levels in Iranian women: amalgam as a determinant of exposure

“The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between mercury concentrations in saliva and hair in women with amalgam fillings and its relation with age and number of amalgam fillings. Eighty-two hair and saliva samples were collected randomly from Iranian women who have the same fish consumption pattern and free from occupational exposures. The mean+/-SD age of these women was 29.37+/-8.12 (ranged from 20 to 56). The determination of Hg level in hair samples was carried out by the LECO, AMA 254, Advanced Mercury Analyzer according to ASTM, standard No. D-6722. Mercury concentration in saliva samples was analyzed by PERKIN-ELMER 3030 Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The mean+/-SD mercury level in the women was 1.28+/-1.38 microg/g in hair and 4.14+/-4.08 microg/l in saliva; and there were positive correlation among them. A significant correlation was also observed between Hg level of saliva (Spearman’s rho=0.93, P<0.001) and hair (Spearman’s rho=0.92, P<0.001) with number of amalgam fillings. According to the results, we can conclude that amalgam fillings may be an effective source for high Hg concentration in hair and releasing the mercury to the saliva samples.”

By |2018-04-19T15:42:24+00:00January 1st, 2010|Mercury|

A biomarker of mercury body-burden correlated with diagnostic domain specific clinical symptoms of autism spectrum disorder.

“The study purpose was to compare the quantitative results from tests for urinary porphyrins, where some of these porphyrins are known biomarkers of heavy metal toxicity, to the independent assessments from a recognized quantitative measurement, the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC), of specific domains of autistic disorders symptoms (Speech/Language, Sociability, Sensory/Cognitive Awareness, and Health/Physical/Behavior) in a group of children having a clinical diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). After a Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) evaluation to assess the development of each child in this study and aid in confirming their classification, and an ATEC was completed by a parent, a urinary porphyrin profile sample was collected and sent out for blinded analysis. Urinary porphyrins from twenty-four children, 2-13 years of age, diagnosed with autism or PDD-NOS were compared to their ATEC scores as well as their scores in the specific domains (Speech/Language, Sociability, Sensory/Cognitive Awareness, and Health/Physical/Behavior) assessed by ATEC. Their urinary porphyrin samples were evaluated at Laboratoire Philippe Auguste (which is an ISO-approved clinical laboratory). The results of the study indicated that the participants’ overall ATEC scores and their scores on each of the ATEC subscales (Speech/Language, Sociability, Sensory/Cognitive Awareness, and Health/Physical/Behavior) were linearly related to urinary porphyrins associated with mercury toxicity. The results show an association between the apparent level of mercury toxicity as measured by recognized urinary porphyrin biomarkers of mercury toxicity and the magnitude of the specific hallmark features of autism as assessed by ATEC.”

By |2018-06-25T18:15:03+00:00January 1st, 2010|Mercury|

Cadmium, mercury, and lead in kidney cortex of living kidney donors: Impact of different exposure sources.


Most current knowledge on kidney concentrations of nephrotoxic metals like cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), or lead (Pb) comes from autopsy studies. Assessment of metal concentrations in kidney biopsies from living subjects can be combined with information about exposure sources like smoking, diet, and occupation supplied by the biopsied subjects themselves.


To determine kidney concentrations of Cd, Hg, and Pb in living kidney donors, and assess associations with common exposure sources and background factors.


Metal concentrations were determined in 109 living kidney donors aged 24-70 years (median 51), using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Cd and Pb) and cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry (Hg). Smoking habits, occupation, dental amalgam, fish consumption, and iron stores were evaluated.


The median kidney concentrations were 12.9microg/g (wet weight) for cadmium, 0.21microg/g for mercury, and 0.08microg/g for lead. Kidney Cd increased by 3.9microg/g for a 10 year increase in age, and by 3.7microg/g for an extra 10 pack-years of smoking. Levels in non-smokers were similar to those found in the 1970s. Low iron stores (low serum ferritin) in women increased kidney Cd by 4.5microg/g. Kidney Hg increased by 6% for every additional amalgam surface, but was not associated with fish consumption. Lead was unaffected by the background factors surveyed.


In Sweden, kidney Cd levels have decreased due to less smoking, while the impact of diet seems unchanged. Dental amalgam is the main determinant of kidney Hg. Kidney Pb levels are very low due to decreased exposure.”

Amalgam tattoo: a cause of sinusitis?

Little attention has been paid to the toxicity of silver amalgam fillings, which have been used over the centuries in Dentistry. Amalgam particles may accidentally and/or traumatically be embedded into the submucosal tissue during placement of a restoration and perpetuate in such area. This article presents a case of amalgam tattoo and investigates whether it is related to the patient’s repeated episodes of sinusitis. The patient was a 46-year-old woman with a 2 mm diameter radiopaque lesion in the right oral mucosa detected on a panoramic radiograph and presented as a black macula clinically. A complete surgical resection was carried out. The histopathological examination revealed deposits of dark-brownish pigments lining the submucosal tissue with adjacent lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate and multinucleated giant cells phagocyting pigments. There was a negative staining for both iron and melanin. One year after lesion removal, the patient reported that the sinusitis crises had ceased after repeated episodes for years. It may be speculated that the inflammatory process related to amalgam tattoo seems to lead to a local immune response that causes sinusitis because it enhances the human leukocyte antigen DR (HLA-DR) tissue expression.

By |2019-02-12T23:24:25+00:00January 1st, 2010|Mercury|

Sorting out the spinning of autism: heavy metals and the question of incidence.

“The reasons for the rise in autism prevalence are a subject of heated professional debate. Featuring a critical appraisal of some research used to question whether rising levels of autism are related to environmental exposure to toxins (Soden et al. 2007, Barbaresi et al. 2009, Thompson et al. 2007) we aim to evaluate the actual state of scientific knowledge. In addition, we surveyed the empirical research on the topic of autism and heavy metal toxins. In our opinion empirical investigations are finding support for a link with heavy metal toxins. The various causes that have led to the increase in autism diagnosis are likely multi-faceted, and understanding the causes is one of the most important health topics today. We argue that scientific research does not support rejecting the link between the neurodevelopmental disorder of autism and toxic exposures.”

By |2018-04-17T20:16:40+00:00January 1st, 2010|Mercury|

Chronic metals ingestion by prairie voles produces sex-specific deficits in social behavior: an animal model of autism.

“We examined the effects of chronic metals ingestion on social behavior in the normally highly social prairie vole to test the hypothesis that metals may interact with central dopamine systems to produce the social withdrawal characteristic of autism. Relative to water-treated controls, 10 weeks of chronic ingestion of either Hg(++) or Cd(++) via drinking water significantly reduced social contact by male voles when they were given a choice between isolation or contact with an unfamiliar same-sex conspecific. The effects of metals ingestion were specific to males: no effects of metals exposure were seen in females. Metals ingestion did not alter behavior of males allowed to choose between isolation or their familiar cage-mates, rather than strangers. We also examined the possibility that metals ingestion affects central dopamine functioning by testing the voles’ locomotor responses to peripheral administration of amphetamine. As with the social behavior, we found a sex-specific effect of metals on amphetamine responses. Males that consumed Hg(++) did not increase their locomotor activity in response to amphetamine, whereas similarly treated females and males that ingested only water significantly increased their locomotor activities. Thus, an ecologically relevant stimulus, metals ingestion, produced two of the hallmark characteristics of autism – social avoidance and a male-oriented bias. These results suggest that metals exposure may contribute to the development of autism, possibly by interacting with central dopamine function, and support the use of prairie voles as a model organism in which to study autism.”

By |2018-04-16T20:27:09+00:00January 1st, 2010|Mercury|

Does thimerosal or other mercury exposure increase the risk for autism? A review of current literature.

“This report reviews current literature regarding the association of the pharmaceutical preservative thimerosal and other mercury exposures with the risk for autism. The evidence presented here does not support a causal association between autism and mercury exposure from the preservative thimerosal. The risk for autism from other mercury exposures such as from dental amalgam restorations or environmental mercury release into the atmosphere is ambiguous. Since mercury is a known neurotoxin, more research should be done to ensure that mercury exposure from any source does not contribute to autism.”

By |2018-07-05T22:13:54+00:00January 1st, 2010|Mercury|
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