
What constitutes an ideal dental restorative material?

“Intense environmental concerns recently have prompted dentistry to evaluate the performance and environmental impact of existing restoration materials. Doing so entices us to explore the ‘what if?’ innovation in materials science to create more ideal restorative materials. Articulating a specification for our design and evaluation methods is proving to be more complicated than originally anticipated. Challenges exist not only in specifying how the material should be manipulated and perform clinically but also in understanding and incorporating implications of the skill of the operator placing the restoration, economic considerations, expectations patients have for their investment, cost-effectiveness, influences of the health care system on how and for whom restorations are to be placed, and global challenges that limit the types of materials available in different areas of the world. The quandary is to find ways to actively engage multiple stakeholders to agree on priorities and future actions to focus future directions on the creation of more ideal restorative materials that can be available throughout the world.”

By |2018-07-03T22:01:22+00:00January 1st, 2013|Other|

Are there universal restorative composites for anterior and posterior teeth?


This retrospective, longitudinal clinical study investigated the longevity up to 20 years of posterior restorations placed with 3 universal composites (Charisma, Herculite XR, Z100) and of anterior restorations placed with 2 universal composites (Charisma, Herculite XR).


Records from 90 patients were retrieved from a private practice (374 posterior, 219 anterior restorations). Clinical evaluation was performed by the FDI criteria. Survival analysis was assessed using Kaplan-Meier method and Log-Rank test, and factors associated with failure by multivariate Cox regression with shared frailty.


In the first 10 years, almost 95% of the restorations were satisfactory, showing increased failure thereafter. Charisma showed the most failures in anterior and posterior areas. Annual failure rates varied between 0.3% and 2.5%, with slightly better performance for anterior restorations. Fracture (posterior) and aesthetics (anterior) were the main reasons for failure.


Differences were observed between restorative materials with different properties, but these became apparent only after more than 10 years of clinical service. The present study provides evidence that in a patient group with low caries risk, anterior and posterior restorations placed with universal composites may have excellent long-term clinical performance.”

Beginnings of the dental composite revolution.

The true age of dental composites was launched with this initial science into coupling agents. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the word “composite” was still new to dentistry. Its predecessor, the adjective “reinforced,” dominated the dental materials nomenclature instead. In this landmark article by Bowen, the term “composite” does not even appear. Dental materials science was just beginning to deal with the extreme challenges of chemically connecting internal interfaces of things to make ceramic-polymer composites.

By |2018-07-18T20:19:22+00:00January 1st, 2013|Other|

“Response to Letters Regarding Article, “Bacterial Signatures in Thrombus Aspirates of Patients With Myocardial Infarction”

We thank the authors of the letters for their interest in our publication. Their comments focused on Chlamydia pneumoniae–negative finding, role of infection burden and coexistence of multiple pathogens, clinical usefulness of findings, and how the chronic oral infectionis involved in acute coronary events.

Porphyromonas gingivalis oral infection exacerbates the development and severity of collagen-induced arthritis.


Clinical studies suggest a direct influence of periodontal disease (PD) on serum inflammatory markers and disease assessment of patients with established rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, the influence of PD on arthritis development remains unclear. This investigation was undertaken to determine the contribution of chronic PD to immune activation and development of joint inflammation using the collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) model.


DBA1/J mice orally infected with Porphyromonas gingivalis were administered with collagen II (CII) emulsified in complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) or incomplete Freund’s adjuvant (IFA) to induce arthritis. Arthritis development was assessed by visual scoring of paw swelling, caliper measurement of the paws, mRNA expression, paw micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) analysis, histology, and tartrate resistant acid phosphatase for osteoclast detection (TRAP)-positive immunohistochemistry. Serum and reactivated splenocytes were evaluated for cytokine expression.


Mice induced for PD and/or arthritis developed periodontal disease, shown by decreased alveolar bone and alteration of mRNA expression in gingival tissues and submandibular lymph nodes compared to vehicle. P. gingivalis oral infection increased paw swelling and osteoclast numbers in mice immunized with CFA/CII. Arthritis incidence and severity were increased by P. gingivalis in mice that received IFA/CII immunizations. Increased synovitis, bone erosions, and osteoclast numbers in the paws were observed following IFA/CII immunizations in mice infected with P gingivalis. Furthermore, cytokine analysis showed a trend toward increased serum Th17/Th1 ratios when P. gingivalis infection was present in mice receiving either CFA/CII or IFA/CII immunizations. Significant cytokine increases induced by P. gingivalis oral infection were mostly associated to Th17-related cytokines of reactivated splenic cells, including IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-22 in the CFA/CII group and IL-1β, tumor necrosis factor-α, transforming growth factor-β, IL-6 and IL-23 in the IFA/CII group.


Chronic P. gingivalis oral infection prior to arthritis induction increases the immune system activation favoring Th17 cell responses, and ultimately accelerating arthritis development. These results suggest that chronic oral infection may influence RA development mainly through activation of Th17-related pathways.

Priorities for future innovation, research, and advocacy in dental restorative materials.

“Innovations in materials science, both within and outside of dentistry, open opportunities for the development of exciting direct restorative materials. From rich dialog among experts from dental and non-dental academic institutions and industry, as well as those from policy, research funding, and professional organizations, we learned that capitalizing on these opportunities is multifactorial and far from straightforward. Beginning from the point when a restoration is needed, what materials, delivery systems, and skills are needed to best serve the most people throughout the world’s widely varied economic and infrastructure systems? New research is a critical element in progress. Effective advocacy can influence funding and drives change in practice and policy. Here we articulate both research and advocacy priorities, with the intention of focusing the energy and expertise of our best scientists on making a difference, bringing new innovations to improve oral health.”

By |2018-07-10T20:47:39+00:00January 1st, 2013|Other|

Outside-the-(cavity-prep)-box thinking.

“Direct placement restorative materials must interface with tooth structures that are often compromised by caries or trauma. The material must seal the interface while providing sufficient strength and wear resistance to assure function of the tooth for, ideally, the lifetime of the patient. Needed are direct restorative materials that are less technique-sensitive than current resin-based composite systems while having improved properties. The ideal material could be successfully used in areas of the world with limited infrastructure. Advances in our understanding of the interface between the restoration adhesive system and the stages of carious dentin can be used to promote remineralization. Application of fracture mechanics to adhesion at the tooth-restoration interface can provide insights for improvement. Research in polymer systems suggests alternatives to current composite resin matrix systems to overcome technique sensitivity, while advances in nano- and mesoparticle reinforcement and alignment in composite systems can increase material strength, toughness, and wear resistance, foreshadowing dental application.”

Autoimmunity in connection with a metal implant: a case of autoimmune/autoinflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants.

Autoimmune/autoinflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) has been recently proposed by Shoenfeld and Agmon-Levin as a new entity that comprises several conditions: the macrophagic-myofasciitis syndrome, the Gulf War syndrome, silicosis and post-vaccination phenomena, autoimmunity related to infectious fragments, hormones, aluminum, silicone, squalene oil, and pristane. We report the case of a 23-year-old woman who developed serial episodes of high fever, extreme fatigue, transient thrombocytopenia, multiple cervical adenopathies, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, neutropenia, severe proteinuria and urine sediment abnormalities, elevated serum ferritin levels, and transient low positive antinuclear antibodies 1 year after she had a nickel-titanium chin implant for cosmetic reasons. The clinical picture simulated a variety of probable diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, Kikuchi-Fujimoto syndrome, adult onset Still’s disease, antiphospholipid syndrome, and hemophagocytic syndrome, among others, so she underwent an extensive medical investigation including two lymph node biopsies. She received treatment accordingly with steroids, methotrexate, and mofetil mycophenolate, with initial improvement of her symptoms, which recurred every time the dose was reduced. Two and a half years later the patient decided to retire the chin implant and afterwards all her systemic symptoms have disappeared. She remains in good health, without recurrence of any symptom and off medications until today. Albeit this patient fulfills proposed major ASIA criteria, to our knowledge it would be the first description of systemic features of autoinflammation in connection with a metal implant.

By |2018-07-25T18:33:41+00:00January 1st, 2013|Other|

Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) 2013: Unveiling the pathogenic, clinical and diagnostic aspects.

In 2011 a new syndrome termed ‘ASIA Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants’ was defined pointing to summarize for the first time the spectrum of immune-mediated diseases triggered by an adjuvant stimulus such as chronic exposure to silicone, tetramethylpentadecane, pristane, aluminum and other adjuvants, as well as infectious components, that also may have an adjuvant effect. All these environmental factors have been found to induce autoimmunity by themselves both in animal models and in humans: for instance, silicone was associated with siliconosis, aluminum hydroxide with post-vaccination phenomena and macrophagic myofasciitis syndrome. Several mechanisms have been hypothesized to be involved in the onset of adjuvant-induced autoimmunity; a genetic favorable background plays a key role in the appearance on such vaccine-related diseases and also justifies the rarity of these phenomena. This paper will focus on protean facets which are part of ASIA, focusing on the roles and mechanisms of action of different adjuvants which lead to the autoimmune/inflammatory response. The data herein illustrate the critical role of environmental factors in the induction of autoimmunity. Indeed, it is the interplay of genetic susceptibility and environment that is the major player for the initiation of breach of tolerance.

Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (Shoenfeld’s syndrome): clinical and immunological spectrum.

An adjuvant is a substance that enhances the antigen-specific immune response, induces the release of inflammatory cytokines, and interacts with Toll-like receptors and the NALP3 inflammasome. The immunological consequence of these actions is to stimulate the innate and adaptive immune response. The activation of the immune system by adjuvants, a desirable effect, could trigger manifestations of autoimmunity or autoimmune disease. Recently, a new syndrome was introduced, autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA), that includes postvaccine phenomena, macrophagic myofasciitis, Gulf War syndrome and siliconosis.

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